We started off the week with some light frost on Sunday and heavy frost on Monday morning. The frost resulted in a change of plans for the Monday closure on the Bear. We were scheduled to verticut and top dress the Bear greens during the closure, however due to the frost we had to push those cultural practices until later in the week. We did not want to cause any damage to the greens while the temperatures were in the 30’s during the first part of the week. We were able to get the greens verticut and top dressed on Wednesday. The greens on both courses are looking good and rolling about 10 on average. I am very pleased with the performance and health of both sets of greens given the challenges we have faced.
ater we have available. You may see watering occurring during the mornings before play and during the afternoon when the courses have less activity. We will continue to do everything we can to bring our courses back to the conditions our members expect. We appreciate your support and patience while we continue our recovery efforts.