Friday, July 30, 2021

Practice Facility Update #2

 Our Premier Practice Facility is well underway.  Surprisingly, our contracting crew has only been chased off by lightning one time in their first two weeks of work; quite unusual for July in South Florida.  Their productivity remains impressive and we've captured some photos of the progress below.

This is a view from left rear corner of the main tee.  Six target greens have been shaped on the body of the range and the process of lowering the grade on the main tee is underway now.

The new chipping green and practice bunker have been rough shaped.  The use of excess soil has created a stunning green complex that will provide a wide variety of lies and practice situations.


This is the view from the top of the new mound behind the chipping green looking back towards the chipping area.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Premier Practice Facility Demolition

 Clarke Construction is on property and getting after it this morning.  There will be some demolition going on for a few days before we get to moving some earth and shaping of the actual practice facility.  

I will try to post updates as much as possible so stay tuned!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Practice Facility Update

Liebold Irrigation is on property this morning capping the irrigation system at the practice facility so that the construction company can get started moving earth this week.  

All old sprinkler heads have been removed and are in the process of being refurbished by our own golf course maintenance staff.  The mats have also been removed and stored for reuse.


Monday, July 12, 2021

Please Excuse Our Messes

 Last weeks storm set us back a couple of days when it came to mowing grass.  We weren't able to start mowing rough until Thursday and holes 2 & 3 were too wet to mow.  They finally got mowed today and you can see the result below.  

Fortunately, the clippings have been removed and looking good again.  There are still a few wet areas on the right side of two that are too wet to mow.

     On Saturday morning, we came in to find water pouring out of this hole.  What we found was another irrigation pipe that had completely come apart.  The pipe has been fixed and the hole has been filled in.  The remaining area will have to be sodded soon.  We will probably get to it during our maintenance closure.                    

Wednesday, July 7, 2021


Hurricane/Tropical Storm Elsa has moved through but some of its remnants remain.  We have received 5" of rain so far and it it still coming.  Please bear with us in the coming days while we get the course cleaned up and back to our normal playing conditions.  


Friday, July 2, 2021

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July from the Golf Course Maintenance Staff!!


This Week In GCM

Both golf course's tees and fairways were treated with a plant growth regulator this week.  Applying growth regulators in the summer time helps to reduce mowing frequency.  Theoretically, this could reduce mower wear and tear, reduce fuel consumption, and minimize excessive clippings.  

Coincidentally, this was a perfect timed application considering the potential weather event next week and the possibility of not being able to mow for a few days.  

On a side note, if you ever see the little white foam dots on the fairways, these are markers to let the operator know where they have already sprayed. 


Hurricane Elsa

Everyone be on the lookout.  It looks as if we could get our first tropical system of the year.  It's still a few days out and things could change, but it looks like we should feel some kind of effect by late Monday night into Tuesday morning.