Tuesday, May 12, 2020

2020 Rain Totals

Our 2020 Rain Totals so far are as follows:

January  .4"
February  2.05"
March  0"
April  1.41"
May  0
TOTAL  =  3.86"

Average Rainfall for Fort Myers is:

January  1.9"
Ferbruary  2.2"
March  3"
April  1.4"
May  3.8"
TOTAL  =  12.3"

As you can see we are 8.44" below the average rainfall.  This is a huge deficit.  Last year at this time we had 19.45" of rain Year-to-Date, over 7" above average.

Because of the lack of rainfall, South Florida Water Management District has imposed water restrictions on everyone, including golf courses.  They do this in order to protect drinking water supply.  What this means for us is that our monthly allotment of irrigation has been reduced. 

We normally can spray about 28 million gallons of water on the golf course in May.  Because of our restrictions our allotment is around 21 million gallons.  We figure each golf course uses approximately 500,000 gallons a night. That's enough water for 21 days leaving 10 days with no water at all. 

We are in serious need for rain.  Until then both golf courses will remain very dry with some brown spots and thin turf forming.  We have a program implemented to counteract the drought, but as with everything it has its limitations.  When it starts raining again on a consistent basis you can expect the golf courses to green up and those dry areas start to recover.  Until then, please be patient and enjoy the extra ball roll!!