Thursday, June 4, 2020

Much Needed Rain (Updated)

Yesterday we received 3.5" of rain in the afternoon.  About 2" fell within 45 minutes causing some minor flooding on property.  Thankfully, our lakes are finally filling up and looking normal again.  

Our five day total is 5.1".  We are under an aerial flood watch until Saturday, June 6 at 2:00 PM.

Update 6/5/20:  We received another .4" of rain yesterday and overnight bringing the six day total to 5.5" with forecast of more to come.
Update 6/8/20: We received 2.5" of rain over the weekend bringing the eight day total to 8".
Update 6/11/20:  We received another 1.5" of rain last night bringing the 12 day total to 10.3".