Wednesday, April 7, 2021

April 2021 Wildlife Tour

 On the morning of  Friday, April 2nd, The Forest Country Club members were treated to another Wildlife Tour with Brian "The Birdman" Beckner.  It was a cold and blustery morning, but nature didn't seem to mind.  Everyone was treated to seeing an eagle with its breakfast, as well as a fox squirrel.  

Nesting boxes were checked to find some very exciting news!  We now have two Eastern Screech Owl boxes that have yielded young ones this year.  One box had an owlet that has already fledged while the other has one egg and one hatchling.  That is awesome news!!!  We are always exciting to find  the young ones.  Our osprey platform has also yielded a baby this year.  Be sure to keep your eyes on the nest on the left side of 15 Bear to watch it grow up.

There are nice Red-bellied woodpecker boxes on the Bear course.  Five of those boxes currently have woodpeckers roosting in them.  Two of them are being inspected for prospective roosting and the other two are being used by other species.  The two purple martin condos on the Bobcat Course are filling up quickly.  The one at the restroom at 6 has three nests and the new one at 10 tee has one nest.  There are no eggs yet, but it is still early and we are hopeful.


Our new young osprey on 15 Bear

This is our resident Eastern Screech owl on 11 Bear.  You can see that one has hatched already.  There were a few anoles to snack on later.  Mom is tired and cold here!!

The regal bald eagle with breakfast