Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Our Resident Ospreys

 These are a few pictures sent to me from Mr. Gord Martin.  They are our resident ospreys on the platform on 15 Bear.  The nest has yielded one young one this year.  It looks very healthy!!  Thank you Mr. Martin for sharing!

This is the female, "mom", feeding the baby.  You can tell the difference between the male and the female by the necklace the female wears around her neck.  She has a line of darker feathers in the chest area that the male does not have.  The females are also about 20% larger than the males. 

Another feeding moment.  In this picture you can see one of the differences between the young and adult birds.  The newborns have orange eyes, as evident here, and the adults have yellow.

Junior is building muscle in anticipation of finally fledging the nest!