Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Bobcat Closure Day One

We had our first day of cultural practices on Monday.  We started with thatch management of greens and tees.  We remove thatch in our playing surfaces for many reasons, but the ones you benefit from the most is firmer and faster playing conditions.  Thatch builds up naturally over time and must be removed in order for the greens not to be soft and spongy.  

This is 5 green after the first verticutting.  This practice is done twice but must first be cleaned up in order to get good results from the second go around.

After verticutting the greens are then blown off with the turbo blower seen above.

After blowing off the majority of the material, the green is then brushed to loosen and move any remaining material to the collar of the green.

This is the result after the first day.  This same practice will be done again the next day.

After performing the second verticutting and cleaning the green is then mowed and the result on 18 green is above.

The tees were given the same type treatment with another larger verticutter mounted to a tractor.  Stay tuned for more coming soon!!