Tuesday, May 18, 2021

New Aquatics on 14 Bear

These canna lillies have been a problem for a while now so we are permanently correcting the issue.  They are located in front of the back tee on Bobcat 2.  When they are fully grown it is difficult to see the golf hole AND hit a golf ball over them.  So instead of just trashing them we are relocating most of them to the lake on the right side of 14 Bear.  Before Hurricane Irma there were aquatics all along the lake on 14 Bear, but all were lost during the storm.  

You can see the problem here.

Francisco and Angel are starting to get after it.

Here you can see Mr. Galla directing the way at the head of the lake on 14 Bear.  These plants will grow fairly tall, obviously, so we are just putting in some "groupings" of plants along the bank.   

As time goes on we will eventually fill in the some of the other areas of the lake with some lower growing aquatic plants.  We already have our eyes on some that we can transplant so stay tuned!!