Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Bear Course Closure Day 1 & 2

Monday marked Day 1 of the Bear Course Closure.  We tackled numerous tasks including verticutting greens, topdressing and aerifying greens.

 In the picture above, the green is being mowed vertically 1/4" deep.  This practice is done to eliminate grain in the greens.  It removes lateral stems and produces a more upright turf for a truer ball roll.

Here you can see the stems and "stolons" after being verticut.  This material is then blown off and the green is mowed with the greensmower to remove any remaining stalks and stems.

After that process, sand is then "topdressed" heavily.  This material will be incorporated into the rootzone later.

 Here you see the aerifier poking holes in the greens.  

These are 3/4" holes made by a solid tine.  After the sand dries, it is dragged into the holes using brushes on our greens roller and also a brush pulled behind a cart.

By the end of day 2, we had completed the processes above on the greens and are now able to move on to some of the other areas on the golf course.