Thursday, June 18, 2020

Bear Course Closure Day 3 & 4

On day 3 of our closure we finished aerifying all the fairways and tees.  

This is hole #1 just after getting punched on Wednesday.  The next step in the process is to pull a steel drag mat behind a cart to break up the plugs.

Here is the aerifier in action on hole #9.

 This is hole #1 after being circle cut and cleaned off.  Circle mowing is just as it sounds.  We literally mow in circles.  By doing this the grass gets mowed from lots of different angles and really helps smooth the surfaces out. 

 This is the finished product of #1 tee.  It was verticut like the greens, aerified with a 3/4 hollow tine, and circle cut like the fairways.  All these processes are done to reduce compaction of the soil and remove thatch for a better playing surface.