Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Our Resident Ospreys

 These are a few pictures sent to me from Mr. Gord Martin.  They are our resident ospreys on the platform on 15 Bear.  The nest has yielded one young one this year.  It looks very healthy!!  Thank you Mr. Martin for sharing!

This is the female, "mom", feeding the baby.  You can tell the difference between the male and the female by the necklace the female wears around her neck.  She has a line of darker feathers in the chest area that the male does not have.  The females are also about 20% larger than the males. 

Another feeding moment.  In this picture you can see one of the differences between the young and adult birds.  The newborns have orange eyes, as evident here, and the adults have yellow.

Junior is building muscle in anticipation of finally fledging the nest!

Friday, April 9, 2021

What Is A Localized Dry Spot


Recently, we have had a couple questions regarding brown areas on the golf courses.  The quick and easy answer is we really need some rain.  The average rainfall for Fort Myers year-to-date is 7.5".  We have received 2.4" so far this year at The Forest putting us at a 5.1" deficit.  The U.S Drought Monitor listed us on April 6th as being "Abnormally Dry".  Just a few miles south in Collier county, the same index lists an area as "Moderate Drought".

As turf mangers we try our best to be stewards of the environment and conservationists.  We use our resources as wisely as we can.  Being that we are in a drought we monitor our water situation on a daily basis to ensure that we have adequate water supply to last us through the season.  Wetting agents have been applied to fairways and tees on both courses recently to help reduce water requirements by minimizing water repellency in the soil.  

What does all this mean?  After thinking about how to explain this, I searched and found a USGA article that sums it up much quicker than I could.  Here it is:

Ever wonder why some patches of grass turn brown during summer while the surrounding grass stays green? Grass can turn brown for many reasons, but one common cause is called localized dry spot. Localized dry spots develop when the soil becomes water repellent. When water cannot wet the soil, grass wilts and eventually turns brown. Although brown grass can be alarming, playing conditions can still be great. 

What causes localized dry spots? Under certain conditions – e.g., typically hot, dry weather – a waxy coating can form around soil particles. When this happens, water reacts with the soil much like it does with wax paper – it beads up and does not penetrate. Once this waxy coating is present, it is very difficult to get water to penetrate the water-repelling soil.

Why does this happen to certain areas and not others? In addition to the weather, a few other factors influence the development of localized dry spot:

 • Soil type – Sandy soils are most likely to develop localized dry spot. Putting greens and tees are often constructed out of sand which increases their susceptibility to localized dry spot. Also, sandy soils are common throughout many coastal golf courses. 

•Irrigation quantity – Superintendents work hard to provide firm playing conditions. This often means that grass needs to be relatively dry, increasing the likelihood of localized dry spot.

 • Thatch – Grass with excess thatch – i.e. organic matter – is more likely to develop localized dry spot.

 What can Superintendents do to correct localized dry spot? First, it is important to recognize that localized dry spot most frequently forms on golf courses that are maintained to provide dry, firm playing conditions. That said, localized dry spot is not always bad. Heavy watering can prevent localized dry spot, but it is not recommended because it produces soft and wet conditions, consumes excess water and puts the grass at higher risk for disease. 

Superintendents core aerate and sand topdress throughout the season to control thatch and reduce the likelihood of localized dry spot. To alleviate water-repellant conditions, wetting agents that closely mimic the chemistry of soaps and detergents can be applied so water can penetrate the soil.

 Although brown spots that develop because of localized dry spot can be unsightly, rest assured these areas are nothing more than dry grass. Dry grass will typically play firmer than wet grass, so be on the lookout during your next round.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

April 2021 Wildlife Tour

 On the morning of  Friday, April 2nd, The Forest Country Club members were treated to another Wildlife Tour with Brian "The Birdman" Beckner.  It was a cold and blustery morning, but nature didn't seem to mind.  Everyone was treated to seeing an eagle with its breakfast, as well as a fox squirrel.  

Nesting boxes were checked to find some very exciting news!  We now have two Eastern Screech Owl boxes that have yielded young ones this year.  One box had an owlet that has already fledged while the other has one egg and one hatchling.  That is awesome news!!!  We are always exciting to find  the young ones.  Our osprey platform has also yielded a baby this year.  Be sure to keep your eyes on the nest on the left side of 15 Bear to watch it grow up.

There are nice Red-bellied woodpecker boxes on the Bear course.  Five of those boxes currently have woodpeckers roosting in them.  Two of them are being inspected for prospective roosting and the other two are being used by other species.  The two purple martin condos on the Bobcat Course are filling up quickly.  The one at the restroom at 6 has three nests and the new one at 10 tee has one nest.  There are no eggs yet, but it is still early and we are hopeful.


Our new young osprey on 15 Bear

This is our resident Eastern Screech owl on 11 Bear.  You can see that one has hatched already.  There were a few anoles to snack on later.  Mom is tired and cold here!!

The regal bald eagle with breakfast