Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Bobcat Closure Day Two Part II

Cultural processes continued today on the Bobcat greens.  The second verticutting of the greens was completed.  Topdressing with sand, aerification, adding soil amendments, and brushing and rolling started as well.

More material is being removed from the greens on the second verticutting.

Aerification started after the greens were heavily topdressed with sand.  The sand will fill the holes in order to dilute organic matter in the soil profile, therefore firming the surface.  

Closeup of 3 green after aerification.

Soil amendments are added to the greens after aerification.  These will aid in growing the turf back in, as well as helping remove unwanted salts easier during watering.

The greens are then rolled and brushed at the same time to smooth out any imperfections while brushing the sand and amendments into the holes.

Water is added to the finished product.