Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Bobcat Closure Day III

We had another great day today without any wet weather.  All greens processes were completed and now we can start fine tuning those.  Aerification continued on the tees along with the addition of amendments.

Here you can see the aerifier in action.  The holes are 3/4" wide and 4-5" deep.  This is creating a space to work in some amendments, relieve compaction and stimulate root growth.

Here you can see the tees being topdressed with an organic compost.  This will aid in water retention, soil structure, root growth and nutrient retention.

#7 tee immediately after the application.

Here you can see the material being brushed into the holes.

The crew has been working so hard this week and have done an outstanding job!!  They were rewarded with pizza at lunch today.