Monday, May 17, 2021

Bobcat Closure Week II

We hit the ground running again today to start the second week of our closure. Tees are being topdressed with sand and greens are getting mowed for the first time since last week.  We finished verticutting and cleaning up all 18 holes of fairways on Friday, which was an awesome feat considering it normally takes 2-3 days!!  All collars and approach tie-ins were verticut this morning. 

Here you can see the sand going down on 6 ladies tees.  This is done as a final process and will smooth and firm the surfaces.

Kenny is dragging the tees after the sand has dried.  The steel drag mat being used will act as 1000 tiny boxblades dragging the sand to any low areas that need to be filled.

Eulalia is putting the first mow on 13 green.  This will be followed up this afternoon with a foliar fertilizer spray to help protect the plant and aid in healing.