Friday, May 14, 2021

Bobcat Closure Day IV and V

This week has been very productive on the Bobcat course.  Mother Nature has played a huge role in that as well as a hard working crew!  The dry weather has helped tremendously and we need  just a few more days of the same to finish up our cultural practices.  On Thursday, the all but one tasks on the tees was finished.  Friday morning started out with a fertilizer application on the greens to help speed recovery.  We also started verticutting fairways.  We hired a contractor to do this work as we do not have the equipment to do it as quick and efficiently as they can.  

Three tractors with verticutters were brought in to tackle the job.  It will take them all day to get through all 18 fairways.  

You can see the huge rooster tail from one of the machines on 18.

Number 1 produced a lot of material.  We were not able to do this procedure last year due to COVID so this will be a welcome relief to the golf course. 

This is just the material removed from 1 fairway.  

You can see the sweepers working on hole 18.  They started out with 2 machines this morning and will start a third eventually.  The clean up process may take a few days.  If Mother Nature helps us out they should finish on Saturday.

The final step is to circle cut the fairways.  This will be done several times and will help cut any runners that were lifted from the verticutters thus eliminating more material.  The thatch and stems will be blown off the fairway afterwards leaving a smoother, firmer surface than before.  The final result should yield better water infiltration, healthier turf and ultimately for you, the golfer, more ball roll!